Do you want to become an amateur pilot? Getting a PPL (Private Pilot License) is not that difficult. Training usually takes a few months, costs about $10,000 and consists of learning the theory and about 48 hours of flying practice.
Pilots can be divided into two groups – commercial and private. The first are usually people who go into aviation at a fairly young age and know exactly what they want. Very often they come from aviation families. Their path into commercial aviation is usually through a college aviation school, where they undergo rigorous theoretical and flight training for their subsequent careers with the airlines.

The second group are those who have often dreamed of flying since childhood, but have followed the path of ordinary, “mundane” life. However, once on their feet, they decided to return to the dream. In order to become a private pilot, you do not need to enroll in a flight school. It is enough to reach a certain age (usually 18, minimum 17 years) and be fit in health – to have a medical certificate VLEC (medical-flying expert committee) of the 2nd class. Yes, the requirements for passing are a bit higher than for getting a certificate for driving a car, but you do not have to be in good health. That’s why we can say that almost anyone can become a pilot – at least in terms of health.
The PPL can also be the first step into commercial aviation – more expensive than the “classic” one, but at the same time faster and more efficient.